
Author Spotlight

Frank E. Peretti (1951-)
Frank Peretti, the popular author of a number of novels dealing with the supernatural as well as the celebrated Cooper Kids series, was born in Alberta, Canada in 1951. At an early age, he and his family moved to Seattle, Washington, where he grew up; he graduated from high school there and spent some years as a banjo player with a local band. He married his wife, Barbara, in 1972, and in the following ten years he had a variety of both hobbies and jobs: he started a small music ministry, served as a pastor in the Assemblies of God, and worked on construction sites for a time. In 1986 he published his first work, "This Present Darkness," which received more acclaim than he expected. This was followed two years later by its sequel, "Piercing the Darkness," and then he went on to write both novels and children's stories in the following years. His most recent book is "House," co-written with best-selling author Ted Dekker. Peretti and his wife now reside in Idaho.

Books by Frank E. Peretti

Book Fun Values Age
All is Well by Frank E. Peretti Great Clean 8-10
the Deadly Curse of Toco-Rey by Frank E. Peretti Great Clean 8-10
The Door in the Dragon's Throat by Frank E. Peretti Great Clean 8-10
Escape from the Island of Aquarius by Frank E. Peretti Great Fairly Clean 8-10
Hangman's Curse by Frank E. Peretti Great Fairly Clean 13+
The Legend of Annie Murphy by Frank E. Peretti Great Fairly Clean 8-10
Mayday at Two Thousand Five Hundred Feet by Frank E. Peretti Good Clean 8-10
Nightmare Academy by Frank E. Peretti Great Fairly Clean 13+
Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti Great Fairly Clean 13+
This Present Darkenss by Frank E. Peretti Great Fairly Clean 13+
The Tombs of Anak by Frank E. Peretti Good Clean 8-10
Trapped at the Bottom of the Sea by Frank E. Peretti Good Clean 8-10
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